Thursday, November 19, 2009

Celebrating Heroes

There is an Annual Arts Auction happening in South Carolina and their theme is Super Heroes! You can read about it here.

Isn't that fantastic that people can see the value in the heroes represented in comic books? The Hero is a well-known archetype. Heck, Joseph Campbell wrote his first book about it - The Hero With a Thousand Faces. The basic hero story is when a person sets out on a journey, encounters all sorts of challenges, and in overcoming them, is changed in the process. The hero returns home with a power that can help mankind. Every one of our comic book heroes can relate to a story like that.

In Anderson, S.C., they recognize the universal appeal of the hero, and how our comic books portray the popular mythos. I salute them for that awareness!


  1. Wish I was in SC to be able to attend. I love heros and aspire to be one someday! :)

  2. I know what you mean, Randy. It sounds like a great thing. Let's build an awareness of heroes in comics like this in Phoenix too. :)
