I walked into the store today and boy, was I surprised!
Over the months since we have been open, although our comics are always neat and well-organized, the counter behind the register has been capturing lots of miscellaneous piles of stuff. Our storage area has been a mish-mosh of this and that, and it was becoming harder and harder to get to some of the stuff as we needed it. We have had a running backlog of items that needed to be tagged and filed in the back issues bins. That was how things were when I left the store last night.
I walked in today, and the back issues box was empty - in fact, gone - and all of the comics had been tagged and filed. The counter is neat and organized and everything is labeled, and the storage room is suddenly bright and easy to navigate, and seems three times bigger than it did yesterday. The floors are vacuumed. The gaming area is neat and orderly. All of the little things that had been bugging me have been fixed.
Turns out that Sean and his friends came in after hours last night and worked all night to bring this about.
Wow! I am SO impressed!